A one-set MOC built from the 42030 Volvo Frontloader. It uses the four motors from the original set:
- Servomotor for steering (+ working steering wheel),
- XL and L motor for the rear transmission and the fake engine (V6),
- M motor for the crane.
The Jeep has a two-wheel drive. The rear axle is pendular, and the steering features a Ackermann geometry. The two XL and L motors are coupled via a differential, which allows to add or substract their rotations (x = 220 rpm for the XL motor and y=390 rpm for the L motor). As a result, four gears can be emulated:
- L forward, XL backward: V = y – x = 390 – 220 = 170 rpm,
- XL forward, L off: V = y = 220 rpm,
- L forward, XL off: V = 390 rpm,
- XL forward, L forward: V = 390 + 220 = 610 rpm.
The model also features openable hood and doors, and adjustable seats.
Instructions: https://rebrickable.com/mocs/MOC-48942/alter-lego/rescue-jeep/